Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So I'm going to try this thing...

There's a bunch of changes in my life this year. The Soon To Be Ex and I are getting a divorce (pretty much implied by the pseudonym. We're all moving to Windsor and getting our own houses (still working out where the Boy is going to be at any given time). I'm going back to U Windsor to actually get a degree. Probably not art this time, I'm leaning towards history but at this point who knows, I just want to be back in school. I like working at Rogers butholyfuckI'vewastedmylife.

So,  a lot of changes. Film clearly didn't work out for me (though it would be ironic if I ended up using my film school experience to make documentaries). In the end I'm choosing look at this as a new start rather than hitting the reset button and ending up right back where I was when I met the Soon To Be Ex 16 years ago.

Which brings me around to the other thing I want to do with this blog now. I'm going to be 40 soon. This is my last chance to get into some sort of shape, to impose some sort of discipline on my writing. So I'm going to keep a record here, to keep me honest. What I eat, how much I exercise (this year's goal: virtually row the St. Lawrence) and how many words I write. Plus whatever nonsense pops into my head. Let's see how the new start goes. :-)


Unknown said...

From this, it sounds like you're moving away from trying to work in film. What are you going to be writing? Working on a novel like a sensible writer? : )

Also, dude: None of this wasted your life stuff. I don't dispute that you've got things you'd do differently if you could - you know I get that - but you're a great father with a son who things you're awesome and an overall superlative human being.

Patrick Heinicke said...

If 4o is the end of the road, what does that bode for me? And bully for you for going back to school. I KNOW you'll enjoy being the oldest guy in the class.